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Helen: Day 18

During the night, the wind picked up, not by much, but enough to sail at around 4 to 5 knots. I thought it was quite pleasant, the boys though it was too slow and sedate. Steve feels that for days he’s been expecting landfall in three of four days.
While on my morning watch, I saw something fly up from the water and hit the back deck hard near the cockpit. It was a skip jack tuna. Not very big, about two pounds or so, but enough to feed the three of us. The impact was so hard that half of its head was flattened and blood had splattered all around the deck and the cockpit area. After Steve cleaned and gutted the tuna, I got down to cleaning the splattered blood. The smell was pretty unpleasant as the fish blood had sprayed everywhere including on our seat cushions. The smell lingered for the rest of day. By dinner time, neither John nor I wanted to eat fish. I dug out the beef patties I’d been saving and we had cheeseburgers instead! Typical really, for days we’ve been dying for fish and when we catch one, we’re not in the mood.
After dinner just as Steve was bringing in the fishing line, we caught another bigger tuna! Typical!

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