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Blowing in the wind

We had plans to take the bus into town yesterday but in the end we spent the day on the boat for a few reasons. One reason was that it was a public holiday and most things seemed closed. Second was that we were getting strong gusts out of the west causing all the boats in the anchorage to swing wildly. Many boats were reanchoring to get themselves out of trouble. Nearby one unattended boat kept swinging into Sea Mist. Sea Mist had their fenders out and were using their dinghy as a mega fender. I boarded the unattended boat and put their fenders out too. After settling down the westerly wind blew a second time giving everyone a repeat performance. Fortunately we had no issues and our anchor stuck well.

We celebrated John’s last night aboard in the usual style with a curry. Later John went ashore to spend a bit of time with a few friends his own age group. John must have mixed feelings about leaving having spent six months aboard. It makes me wonder how we will approach the end of this trip. Fortunately I don’t have to worry about this just yet as this event, bar unforeseen circumstances, is still a few years away.

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