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A good weekend

On Friday we got back Steve’s mid-body scan result. Everything looked very good. No nasty lymph nodes detected. Good news really although the doctors still couldn’t give us a sure answer to the cause.

Since nothing was happening over the weekend Steve begged to go home to Sarahs. The doctors agreed but made sure Steve was aware that he was still an in-patient and that he had to be back in his hospital bed first thing Monday for a spinal MRI scan and the doctors round.

It was wonderful having him home at Sarahs. We had a lovely time with the family and also enjoyed having our own private time and proper cuddles. On Sunday, our friends Brian and Janine who lived about an hour out of Melbourne came to visit. They are the friends who with their two teenage children Ben and Holly joined us aboard Dignity in Fiji last September. Steve really appreciated the visit and although tired felt lifted by the visit.

We checked ourselves back into the hospital ward early this morning and the testing soon started. More blood samples were taken and Steve had a long MRI scan done of his spine. The scan took almost two hours.

The doctors came to see us midday to update us on some protein result and the direction they are looking into. They have more or less ruled out lymphoma cancer which is really good news. They said the protein result they received supports MS but they are not 100% sure as this result can still be cause by other problems. They continue to look at bacterial/virus hence the extra blood samples taken earlier. They are waiting for another blood result which should come back in a day or two that could help towards identifying MS if he has it. The spinal MRI scan could also help towards identifying MS and we should have the results tomorrow.

I believe our wait is nearing its end.

Monash Hospital

Steve was admitted into Monash Hospital through the Emergency department. He is now settled comfortably in the Neurology ward and under the care of an excellent team of neurologists. Over the past two days he has had many many blood tests, a lumbar puncture, another MRI and other investigative procedures. Physically he is in very good health. His general blood results have all come out fine. Kidney, liver, hormone levels etc. are all fine. The initial result of his spinal fluid was also good, just a higher count of proteins than normal which they expected. Now we wait for the specialist test results of blood and spinal fluid which will take another day or two. The MRI scans clearly shows many scattered small lesions throughout Steve brain. However the new scan also showed that the blood vessels looks fine which is good news indeed. I think the team may have eliminated a couple of serious causes they though it could be but are still very concerned about Steve’s worsening condition and what the exact cause could be. Tomorrow he is having a chest scan to see if they can see anything similar in that area. We have been asked more detailed question about the countries we have visited and the type of food we have consumed. So they are being very thorough and investigation many possibilities. I think we need House! No, the Neurology department at Monash has an great reputation and I have been very impressed by their care, efficiency and professionalism. I am pretty confident that they will get to the bottom of this and find the right treatment for Steve.
Thanks again to everyone for all your best wishes, thoughts and words of encouragement. Much appreciated.


Steve had the MRI this afternoon. Early this evening our ophthalmologist rung up to say they did find abnormal activities in Steve’s brain. He has arranged for Steve to see the neurologist at Monash University hospital early tomorrow morning. He suspect Vascuailitus or Lymphoma but the neurologist will have a better idea exactly what it could be. So we wait. Its very hard.


The result of CT scan was normal with no noticeable lumps or bump in Steve’s brain. Really good news there. The doctor then immediately made an appointment with an ophthalmologist who was able to see Steve straight away. After a full examination, consultation and reexamination by another ophthalmologist for a second opinion, they both agreed that Steve needed to have an MRI. The earliest urgent appointment they could arrange at their MRI center was next Friday. This seemed a horrifying wait. Sarah being a true organiser and trooper, phoned round all the Imaging centers and found a slot for this Monday afternoon which was approved by our ophthalmologist. The result should be ready on Tuesday but our ophthalmologist is away until next Wednesday so it’s another day to wait unless something critical shows up. The ophthalmologist said it could be something viral or inflammation around the eye nerves but due to Steve continued deterioration a MRI was important to check everything out. So we wait. As you can imagine Steve is very worried. I’m also worried but feel we’re closer to the problem and the solution. I feel optimistic.

Wind Forecast

I’ve been looking on and off at the wind forecast for the BVIs for the last 18 months to get a feel of things.  Now it’s for real.  These predictions now span the time period we expect to be crossing to St Martin.  I will consult with locals in the BVIs but from what I see it looks like the reduced wind speeds early next week will make for an easy motor over to St Martin on Monday or Tuesday evening.  A weather prediction that far out is about as good as predicting tomorrows movement in the stock market so we’ll have to keep watching and refining our plans.  Next message probably from aboard Dignity.