Knowing that there would be sales after Christmas we had postponed purchasing needed camping gear until yesterday. It’s a good thing too as it’s given us time to contemplate the balance of time we expect to spend (when we’re on our own again) between camping and more robust accommodation. We feel that we’ll be spending more time camping than in B&Bs so this has influenced us to get a more robust tent. We’ll still have our tiny two man tent (which the boys will get to use very soon) if/when we need it on a hike but we’ve decided to get something that will make life a little easier if we stay in it for many days at a time.
Yesterday morning we visited a number of stores to talk to people and look at their wares. This helped us build up an idea of what we wanted and where the prices were right. We returned to the boat for lunch before going out in the car to but the things we’d decided upon. One of the stores was closed so we weren’t able to get everything we wanted but we did pick up most: tent, mini-stove, lanterns (LED), air mattress, chairs. The rest we’ll get today. As much as possible we’re getting things that can be used after NZ – for instance, chairs can be used for beach parties which we’ve lacked to date.
We had wanted to go for a walk to the nearby Whangarei Falls but ran out of time. Ben and Sam visited Leu Cat as they’d been invited round for cigars with David. He enjoys one a day and has a fine collection. I think he enjoys a partner from time to time and is more than happy to share his very fine and extensive collection. The two of them fell asleep very early yesterday evening so I can only assume they’ve been having more fun recently than we’ve realized.
We also got a chance to say hello to Michael, Sandra, crew and friends from Larabeck who were passing through. They ate at the restaurant overlooking Dignity. Always nice to meet up. I do wonder how many days we’ll be able to string together while in the south island without bumping into folks we met in the Pacific.
Today we’ll clear the boat for our departure tomorrow. We’ve invited a few folks over this evening (and then a few more) for drinks and nibbles. By the time we’re back from our tour with Ben and Sam many of the cruisers will have started their own tours or moved on. This will be a chance for Ben to say goodbye (no – never goodbye – au revoir) to many of the folks he’s met along the way.
Tomorrow morning we’ll move the boat onto pilings and then head off to Auckland for a few days and then off into the mountains south of there. We’ll be quite busy and probably won’t have time to blog until we’re in Auckland.