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Sat May 31 09:48 GMT

38°21.7’N 29°38.8’W SOG (Speed over Ground): 6.8 knots (motoring) Heading: 077 Distance to Horta: 49.2nm Distance from Bermuda: 1,745nm ETA (Horta): 6pm Saturday May 31

My 10pm shift was fairly uneventful. I spotted two other vessels on the radar, one barely moving relative to ourselves all through my shift. In fact I noticed it first […]

Fri May 30 18:05GMT

38°0.1’N 31°51.3’W SOG (Speed over Ground): 6.8 knots (motoring) Heading: 075 Distance to Horta: 156nm Distance from Bermuda: 1,640nm ETA (Horta): 6pm Saturday May 31

After this morning’s dolphinfest I think we saw only one more today. Still no fish. Two points of interest today. The first was coming upon ìSummer Breezeî which has been […]

Fri May 30 09:02GMT (9:02am ship time)

37°47.9’N 33°9.7’W SOG (Speed over Ground): 6.6 knots (motoring) Heading: 075 Distance to Horta: 219nm Distance from Bermuda: 1,577nm ETA (Horta): 6pm Saturday May 31

Ship time has now been changed to UTC so we can align our minds (and stomachs) to landfall. Using this new reference my watch last night was from 1am to […]

Thu May 29 20:43GMT (5:43pm ship time)

37°30.2’N 34°43.8’W SOG (Speed over Ground): 6.9 knots (motoring) Heading: 080 Distance from Bermuda: 1,502nm Distance to Horta: 296nm ETA (Horta): Saturday (evening) May 31

The weather started of great today. The sun was out and so were we. For a few hours, we were accompanied by some fish, about a foot long, swimming ahead […]

Thu May 29 12:11GMT (9:12am ship time)

37°19.2’N 35°47.2’W SOG (Speed over Ground): 6.3 knots (sailing) Heading: 060 Distance from Bermuda: 1,451nm Distance to Horta: 348nm ETA (Horta): Saturday (evening) May 31

By the time I went out last night the stars were gone. A front was moving in and the shift became one of watching the squalls approach on the radar, […]