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St Anne

This morning, after breakfast, we sailed to St Anne over on the south side of the island. Our original plan was to head north to St Pierre but the NE winds and, more importantly, the northerly swell prevented us. So we’ve gone south instead. We’ll probably stay here a couple of nights while assessing our options. One possibility would be to head over to St Lucia for a couple of nights while we wait for the winds to get back to the east.

We’ve been ashore a couple of times. Once to collect bread and once to look for a dive shop to fill our tanks. At this point in time Bob, Sharon, Jim and Simon (our guests) are all ashore exploring while Helen and I have a snooze.


Guests aboard

All guests arrived aboard safely around 10am this morning. We spent about an hour going over the boat then set sail for Petite Anse D’Arlet. We arrived after a pleasant sail, anchored, swam, went ashore, drank beer, moved the boat and are now settled down for the evening. Probably off to St Anne and/or Marin tomorrow.


Fort-de-France Day 2

Not a great deal to say. We shifted Dignity a little nearer to the shore today. Helen did a lot of clearing up and I assisted where I could.  I did the regular checks and improved the flow on our head a little bit.  I was able to confirm that the hotel where our friends will stay Monday night is indeed open and that taxis can be had from the airport.  Good news. Around town just a few bars and roadside eateries are open. A few folks I spoke to suggested more should be open tomorrow. As you may guess I am looking forward to fresh French bread.


Fort de France

We left Roseau at 7am this morning heading for St Pierre, Martinique. The forecast was for NE winds which we didn’t see until 8nm south of Dominica. It was slow going for the first 2 hours but when the NE winds kicked in we had a flying sail to Martinique arriving at St Pierre around 12:20. We didn’t stop as a casual glance over the anchorage made it clear it was untenable. We later learned that everyone had cleared off at the crack of dawn as it had got quite rolly around 2am. We therefore sailed around to Fort de France to get some protection from the NE winds which are due to go further to the North over the next few days.

There were a number of boats anchored in Fort de France but we managed to squeeze into the anchorage and here we are settled. I walked round to the customs but found them closed. The guy on the gate said to come back tomorrow at 9am. I do wonder if they’ll be open but I may try.

Walking the half mile back to the dinghy dock I decided to check out the town. There were a large number of people milling around in red tee-shirts, clearly the aftermath of a demonstration. All the shops I saw were shut bar one little cafe. All the cash machines that I walked past had been smashed too. So it looks like the strike is very much on here. Fingers crossed for our guests who are arriving next week.

Fishing was not successful. In fact, something chewed up and bit right through my wire leader. So we must have had something for a bit. We never noticed. So we’re down one lure. Better luck next time.

Not sure what we’re going to do now. There are a few things to do on the boat and still plenty of books to read.