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Test Sail

As intended we took Dignity out for a test sail today. This was after a somewhat slow start to the day as we unpacked and stowed our belongings. How we’re going to fit the stuff we shipped I’ve no idea. A problem for another day.

I could find only one issue with Dignity on the test sail and that was with the speed log.  This is a small paddle wheel beneath the boat that measures boat speed through the water.  With the the instruments can calculate actual wind speed from measured.  We stopped in Deadman’s Cay on Peter island to test out the anchor.  This worked well.  I put my snorkel and mask on and surveyed the bottom of the boat.  The recent paint job was could but I could not find a trace of the instrument.  Back at base I reported this and they realized they must have forgotten to replace it after the recent haulout.  It is removed on haulout to protect it from the straps.  This meant I was shown where it was and how to replaced the inserted blank with the instrument which was aboard but not fitted.  Now I’ve learned something which is a good thing.

Soon we’re off to Mulligans where on Friday night they serve free wings and ribs.

Looking a little further out.  Tomorrow we’ll leave Nanny Cay and anchor somewhere tomorrow evening.  Sunday we intend to go to the marina in Roadtown – if there is room.  Monday morning we’ll sort out a couple of things in town then check out.  We’ll spend the day in the BVIs before heading off to St Martin overnight, arriving Tuesday morning.

We made it

We’re finally here.  We’re aboard Dignity.  In fact we arrived about 10:30 last night.  There was a bottle of champagne but no note so we are wondering who it’s from.  This was placed in the fridge.  We dropped our bags and made for the bar which was, unsurprisingly, shut.  So we went back to the boat and slept well – the bottle will wait for the right moment.  It’s been raining a lot and its quite humid.  Some sorting out of our stuff to do this morning followed by provisioning for a few days.  Then we’ll take Dignity out for a test sail before having a Q&A session with the staff this afternoon.

We could be off to St Martin as early as tomorrow evening but another option is Monday.  More soon.