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Lousy Weather

Yesterday was a day of relaxing and reading. We didn’t even leave the boat. We had planned on snorkeling perhaps but the skies never really cleared. It’s always better to snorkel with the sun brightly overhead as the colours are so much better.

Today we have tentative plans for taking the bus to Castries with Anne and Jim. Right now it is totally overcast and raining hard. It could end up being like yesterday. Tonight we’re off to Bees Knees for dinner there.

In the meantime I am awaiting an update from CatCo regarding the latest upgrade to the firmware. It needs a site visit but they are waiting on successful testing on another boat before coming here. The uncertainty is a bit of a pain. I also have a little consultancy work to do. It’s a good time to get it done while waiting for the rain to end.

Friends Reunited

After three months of separation we finally got back together with Anne and Jim from Bees Knees last night. It was great to hear what they’ve been up to. They’ve visited much the same places as we have but have different stories to tell. Helen cooked homemade pizza and we had banana flambé for desert. These were our first bananas since polishing off the crate. Jim brought the necessary ingredients for Ti Punch which he seems to be unable to do without. A good evening all round.

Along the way Anne and Jim have started their own blog. They are a funny couple and a little of their personality comes over in their blog. If you’re interested in their blog, click on the picture. Their blog makes much more use of inline pics than ours does which I kind of like. This prompts me to look a little more at the blogging capabilities of Word which allows me to prepare blogs with pics offline and post them to our site.

Ben’s Graduation

We finally learned from Ben a few days ago when/where his graduation from Rutgers would take place. As this is such a big day we’ve decided to head back to NJ to see him pass from school into the rest of his life. Today we booked our flights from Grenada to JFK – non-stop on Air Jamaica. It’ll be nice to see folks back in NJ and most of all Ben and Sam.

Between now and then we can think of all the things we’d like from the US and have them sent to our friends for pickup.

Our friends Anne and Jim from Bees Knees arrived in Rodney Bay today and we’re having a pizza/beer based reunion aboard Dignity this evening. We haven’t seen them since we said goodbye in St Martin last December. Will be nice to catch up.

Blog Problems – Fixed

The blog pages were showing errors for a few hours today all as a result of mistakes I made performing an upgrade and subsequent frustrations trying to recover lost files.  It’s done now but most of the day has gone.  In between times we have been trying to trace the source of fresh water that accumulates in the port bilge.  No luck there but our best hypothesis so far is that it is related to rain.  Now that it is sunny the hypotheses can be tested to see if the slow flow stops.  If the hypothesis is supported the next thing to do will be to running around checking things next time it is pouring with rain.



We popped in to Castries. It is a very nice town with some great bargain shopping. Anchorage wasn’t so hot so we picked up a couple of cheap tee-shirts and some groceries and are now off back to Rodney Bay. Pics from Anse La Raye have been uploaded.