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Grenadines Tracks

Here are our tracks through the Grenadines.

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Passage to Mustique

Sometimes it just all works out well. We left Friendship Bay around 7:30am, 2 hours after moonrise to have the best of the lunar effects. Sure enough, we made it over to Mustique on a single tack. As we left the harbor we saw a lot of activity on a nearby cay. It has many onlookers on land and many boats surrounding it. We had heard that one of the annual quota of (one, two or four – not sure which) whales had been caught yesterday. We wondered if this was something to do with that. But that was not all. Shortly after leaving the Bay, as we passed through some gull activity indicating there could be feeding activity below, we hooked something on the lure I bought in Bequia. Reeling it in we found we had caught a Blackfin Tuna.

This was the first fish I have filleted so I made a bit of a mess. The second half was better than the first so there’s a suggestion I’ll get good in time. Now we can look forward to fresh grilled fish for lunch and there’s several pounds of good meat in the freezer for later.

Click here for more pics.


Friendship Bay

After our walk around Petit Nevis we snorkeled off the coast. It was one of the better ones with abundant fish and pretty clear water.

A short motor-sail against wind and 2 knot current has us in Friendship Bay for the night. It’s out of the way and is surrounded by some very nice houses and a hotel. There’s a small chance we’ll go ashore this evening but probably not.

Tomorrow we’ll use the moons position to time our slog over to Mustique (perhaps to see hordes of pop stars). The currents round here are strong and anything we can to do to reduce them will be good.


Petit Nevis

Before we left this morning Jim, having heard I’d lost my hat and sunglasses, offered to come over and search for them. So shortly after breakfast we both jumped in and searched around the boat. Jim, who now earns new notches to his “man of all skills” resume managed to find both. That was a good result.

On our way we passed the enclave of Moon Hole. It looks abandoned but maybe it’s not. Right now we’re anchored off Petit Nevis. The winds were very light so we motor sailed round here. Inexplicably we caught no fish despite having four lines and six lures out. We’ve just had lunch and are now resting. Soon we’ll go ashore and explore then snorkel near the cliffs where it is supposed to be good.

The following pics include those taken during our trip ashore.


Plans changed again

New itinerary for next week or two :

1. Round corner to Friendship Bay via Petit Nevis
2. Mustique
3. World’s End Reef, Tobago Cays
4. Canouan
5. Mayreau
6. Union Island

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