The bad ….
I’ve had a bit of a crap time. I’ve had headaches, compacted lower bowel, lots of laxatives and suppositories, low blood pressure, almost continuous drip for more fluid, weird coloured urine (looks a bit like real ale). The list goes on. It can grind you down if you let it. I’ve had some bad belly aches and was ultrasound scanned to discover a distended gall bladder. Almost certainly due to the near zero immune system. Fortunately one of the antibiotics I’m having put in via the PICC line is the right one. We have more to learn here I think.
The good …
We’ve been eagerly awaiting our count to start rising, particularly my neutrophil counts as they are what will get us out of here. W’eve been told that once the counts rise enough they’ll shoot up.
See the following Neutrophil table
Monday to Thurdayday: 0%
Friday. 0.01%
Yesterday: 0.34%
I may be at home next weekend. That would be good.