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Retired – ish

Today I had a big surprise at work. I sort of knew that something was being organised as a few folks at work had indicated they’ll be meeting me for lunch. I figured it would just be a get together in a meeting room. My manager had suggested one or two of us go for […]

Big Thanks

I was taken out to lunch today by members of my local team here in the US. We went for an Indian buffet locally so I’m sitting here very full and sleepy. They presented me with a card (very appropriate) and two coffee mugs which were perfect. I will post pictures when I can but […]

Adapting Plans

It’s looking more and more likely that we will close on the rental property we’re looking at after our return from Arizona. Given that the place will need some decoration (quite a bit in fact) we’re faced with a choice of paying for this to be done or cutting our trip to the Uk short […]

Nearly there

This morning we went over our Arizona itinerary to make sure all was in order. We have some food ordering to do for when we’re in the Grand Canyon but apart from that we’re all set to go. I can’t believe this is next week. I beginning to feel a little excited about this. Chances […]

Hurricane Watch

It’s that time of year again when, driven by the warming Atlantic and Caribbean waters, the frequency and intensity of Atlantic Hurricanes is increasing. Hurricanes usually begin as low pressure troughs off the west coat of Africa and head west at a leisurely pace. Most of these low pressure troughs fizzle out but some build […]