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Feelin’ good

Dominoes was called off on Tuesday due to choppy conditions. Always another day and that day is today. That meant Helen and I had a quiet evening on Tuesday.

Yesterday was a shopping day. It was a bit cloudy so progress on the battery front was small but there none-the-less. Yesterday evening we headed off […]

Charging Batteries in Paradise

It’s mostly work and little fun here in paradise.

The day my parents left I performed what I thought was a regular maintenance task. I checked the fluid levels in the house batteries and found them short of where I have been told the levels should be. So I diligently filled them with distilled water […]

Maintenance, Maintenance, Maintenance

It seems to be never ending. A quick account of the last few days.

Friday was all batteries. After topping up my house batteries on Wednesday I they were now appearing to discharge from being fully discharged far too quickly. I’ve been concentrating so far on the possibility that adding water caused the problem. Hours […]

Good deeds, challenges, meet up and good byes

So back on the boat we were presented with the dilemma of replacing our fuel tank. Fortunately Jim from Bees Knees was available to lend a hand. He dinghied over to us, took me to collect the parents and then we went to the nearby Budget Marine to collect a tank. The new tank is […]

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

Someone stole our fuel tank. We didn’t notice as we were wrestling shopping into the dinghy. The fuel in the line got us almost back back to Dignity and then cut out. It’s very windy so we flew past rapidly putting the oars together. The wind was too strong to row back to the boat […]