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The Cabrits / Fort Shirley

This morning we went for a walk to and up The Cabrits and around Fort Shirley. The Cabrits are two small volcanic mounds about 600 feet separated from the mainland by a swamp. A naturally defensible location. The entire location was fortified then abandoned in the mid 1800s to nature. Recently, the the main section […]

Not a lot

We went food shopping this morning. Cathy and Werner popped by to collect some yogurt culture and drop off a copy of an interesting TV series on tribes. We had a mutual chat about destinations as they’re off north next. Tero from the other Lagoon 420 popped by with some news from Martinique as we’re […]

Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud

Today was the day we had ordered our hiking excursion. We had made it very clear on a number of occasions that we wanted to do some long hiking and were reassured on same number of occasions that this is what we would get. We had hooked in a NZ couple we’d heard on the […]

Around Portsmouth

We’re just back from our walk downtown. Plenty of little food shops which we’ll use for supplies next week. A real local ambiance with music and radio stations blaring quite loud. We enjoyed our trip. Here are the memories :


Indian River

Last night we welcomed aboard Tero and Anna from Karibia – the other Lagoon 420 Hybrid anchored near us. It was good to get to know them and share notes. They’ve been here for 3 weeks. They had intended on visiting Guadeloupe but the general strike has made them decide to stay here longer.

This […]