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Fish soup

So who says we can’t catch fish. Just caught a massive Tuna. Problem is, something else caught it just afterwards. All we got was it’s head. Must have happened fast as the head was still twitching and bleeding. Oh well. Fish head soup for lunch.

Wind is slightly up. Kind of a up/down day.

Better planning required

It’s all a learning experience. The forecasts I read yesterday all suggested we’d have winds between NE to E around 15-20 knots. Except for the first 2-3 hours, what we’ve been seeing is 10-15 from the SE – right behind us. This is not our best point of sail by any means so our mid […]

Almost alone in Las Tortuguillas

Slow morning. Got up gradually. Read. Did our bit on the Coconut Telegraph which is currently running Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. Then we left our previous anchorage and headed west. We started with a reef in the main and gradually jibed down the coast. The wind died a bit so we shook out the reef […]

Addendum to yesterday’s blog

How can I have forgotten.

I was up first in the morning and was waiting for the sun to rise when I noticed the back steps were being covered in little fish. We’ve seen this before. Small fish being chased by bigger fish ending up on the back of the boat.

My first thought was […]

Going West – Finally

I checked the chart plotter yesterday and discovered we’ve finally anchored somewhere to the west of our starting point. After nearly a year, for a couple of plan on circumnavigating to the west, this is finally a step in the right direction.

Slowish sort of day today. Some cleaning in the morning (we have to) […]