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All together

After surviving drives through snow, passports left at home, skin of the teeth catching trains, chaotic checkins, delayed flights, delayed take-offs, starvation menus, lost luggage, luggage found on wrong carousel, taxi with punctured tire and a taxi driver without a jack the kids finally made it to the boat. Given all of the above I […]

On their way ….

We have heard from Sam’s girlfriend’s mum that they all boarded the plane safely and that the pilot was preparing to take off. We also also, via my parents, that the plane is flying but nearly two hours late. If you knew my families history on travel this is a relief.

Final few things

We spent our last full day doing odds and sods around the boat. We didn’t go ashore to Isla Grande but we did pop over to La Guarya to gas up the dinghy and one last bag of ice. Helen spent part of the morning doing some more cleaning. Being below in the gentle swell […]

Isla Grande

Before leaving Portobelo we once more dinghied ashore for ice and fresh bread. That being done we headed off to Isla Grande. There was practically no wind to speak of so we motored the entire way there not even bothering to raise the sails.

We found a nice spot with a postcard view of the […]

River trip

Totally forgot to include our river trip in the afternoon. Having seen a sign showing a commercial trip up a nearby river I figured we could do the same in our dinghy. The attraction was the possibility of seeing birds and maybe even some crocodiles. I used my charting software to create a route up […]