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Isla Contadora, Las Perlas

With the boat fully fueled (including an extra 40 gallons in jerry cans) and our passports properly stamped we aimed to wake up nice and early and sail to Las Perlas. After all, for the last week we’ve had a near on constant 15-20 knot wind from the north. What could go wrong?

At […]

Still in Panama City

We finally received our passports and clearance but long after our window to get to Las Perlas. Our agents explanation was that he had spent two and a half hours with the president (the president of Panama no less) in the morning and that had delayed him as well as prevented him from answering his […]

Off to Las Perlas

We have our Code Zero back from repairs. Stamped passports should back in this morning allowing us to stay in Panama for another month but leave without checking out again. We’re scheduled to load on fuel at 8:45. Hopefully we’ll be off straight after.

Yesterday was our final provisioning – the biggest one to date. […]


For the last few days we’ve been building a list of parts we need for a few projects on the boat so that we could go out on a single mission and acquire as many as possible in a single effort. In the morning I was able to figure out how to make my TV […]

Cleaning Day

Most of yesterday morning was spent cleaning the filth from the boat. A steady layer of soot had descended onto the boat while we were in Balboa Yacht Club and as hard as we tried our feet would bring in dirt from the shore each time we arrived. Helen and John cleaned the outside of […]