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John: Day 2

Ok so it seems that I have got the naming of this blog a bit wrong. My “Day 1” should really be Day 2. To pull it inline with the others I’ll just write some small additional stuff to finish what happened in Day 2.

Mum put out bread and water for our little bird, […]

Steve: Day 2 addendum

Forgot to mention we passed two milestones today. We’re now furthest south and furthest west than we’ve been before. New frontiers.

No fish though.

Day 2: Steve

Looking back at Saturday I remember little about my midnight to 3am shift. Maybe it’s because I’m struggling to consciousness shortly after waking at midnight. I’ve decided I don’t really like this shift rotation, or at least my position on it, as I rarely get more than 3 hours sleep at a stretch, even though […]

John: Day 1

Well another 24 hours and I think I’m getting use to the shifts.

Feeling a load better after drinking lots of water and eating some salty things.

3am shift this morning started out watching a few squalls about 10 miles away, they came a bit closer the nearest one being about 4 miles away. This […]

Helen: Day1

I woke up just before my 6 am watch. There was wind! Very welcomed news after having to motor sail last night during my 9 pm to midnight watch. John who was just finishing his shift said he was able to sail throughout his watch. I made myself coffee, enjoyed the wind in my face […]