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Steve: Day 13

Flying fish have run out of enthusiasm. Only three found this morning.

On the subject of fish. Deciding our recent problems with losing lures was due to inattention I rigged up a couple of ‘alarms’ using nuts on pieces of line set up in such a way that if a fish strikes, the nuts drop […]

John: Day 13

Not much happening, we’re still off course by about 20 degrees and winds not playing nice.

The fishing lines were not out and I suggested that we put only two lines out and put them up on the line hook things, as we would then have a visual indication when we get a bite, as […]

Helen: Day 12

No milestones. No incidents. No visitors. No fish No change! Am I repeating an old blog or are the days repeating themselves?

We did have one moment of excitement. We sighted a large boat about 2 miles away. John took a photo and zoomed in to see what sort of boat it was. It looked […]

John: Day 12

Steve found loads of flying fish in the morning 20 of them.

We saw a big boat of some sort. After taking some pictures and zooming in on them it looks like a rusty fishing boat.

We have been going slightly off course to go with the wind. I would prefer it if th […]

Steve: Day 12

The flying fish have collectively recognized the futility of their daytime suicide runs and have switched to en masse night sortes. At dawn I collected 20 of the buggers, big ones, from around the boat. Overnight we had a few rough broadsides and after each I could hear the rascals flapping around above our cabin. […]