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Rendezvous in Moorea

We started the morning with my waking John up a little earlier than he’d have perhaps wanted to go to the supermarket for fresh baguettes and some more beer. There was an offer on the local beers as long as one bought 20 50cl bottles which made the price come down to somewhere close to […]

Life in the city

The last two days feel a bit of a blur. The pace of life in a city is somewhat different and in a lot of ways we’re ready to head out of dodge.

On Thursday Helen and I dinghied off on a failed attempt to find a marina to the east to fill our gas […]

Pape’ete, Tahiti – first day in

Tahiti at this time of year is very much a geographical and temporal convergence for cruising sailors. Geographically, Tahiti is a stopover for almost every boat crossing the Pacific as there is nothing for thousands of miles north or south. Timewise there is the Puddle Jump rendezvous which is attracting a lot of boats. As […]

Pape’ete, Tahiti

Only excitement of yesterday was hooking two fish within seconds of each other. One snapped the line and the other got away. Typical.

Wind died overnight so we ended up motoring the last 14 hours. We arrived in Pape’ete this morning around 9am. The town quay did not have enough room for a cat so […]

En route to Tahiti

Not a lot to say. Winds were very, very light for most of the day and night. Without a light air sail we’ve been pushing the boat a little bit to get an extra knot. The winds have picked up this morning so we are now sailing. We should arrive in Pape’ete tomorrow afternoon.

One […]