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Before we left Pangai I did one more trip ashore to do some final internetting, buy some more phone time and get some bread. On the way back I saw a tent set up and underneath they were cooking chicken dinners. I managed to get a nice pile of chicken for about 5 bucks which […]

Crawshaw Shoals / Pangai

A pretty interesting day was had yesterday. We left our previous anchorage and headed out to sea for about 4nm in a SW direction to a sea mount called Crawshaw Shoals where we’d heard other had great snorkeling/diving. It took us a while to find a decent patch of sand to drop the hook but […]


Ben woke with stomach pains which put a dampener on his day eventually ruling him out of the things we had planned. In the morning Helen, myself and John from Sea Mist went ashore to stretch our legs. Having asked a local who informed us we could walk north or south and that either was […]

Another day after another night passage

Almost everyone I know has trouble sleeping the first night at sea. That’s what makes one/two night passages such a chore as the day you arrive you’re wasted. The second night one does sleep but you’ve not caught up so it’s only three to four night passages or beyond that you get your rhythm. The […]

Arrived in Ha’ano

During the morning I visited Scream to lend Darusha my eBook where I had made annotations on her book. She is a science fiction writer and I’ve just finished reading her three books, the final one that she’s only just finished. She had welcomed my feedback on typos so my visit was to share these […]