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Not a lot

Another day of doing fairly little which is in keeping with Tongan tradition for Sundays. Ben and I did go for a snorkel outside of the pass and in the evening we visited Darusha and Steven aboard Scream for dinner. There we were introduced to the card game “Fluxx” which we enjoyed immensely. We rounded […]


After we had properly woken up we took around to decide what to do. There was still a visible swell coming over the reef which threatened to keep us away from the snorkeling on the far side. We agreed that all we wanted to do was to hike a nearby trail then move on. Once […]

Water, water, water

The last two nights and yesterday involved a lot of water. Most of the water has been in the form of rain, lots of rain. We did have plenty of breaks though. We are near to a supposedly excellent snorkeling site called the “Coral Gardens”. This involves dinghying over a reef to our west which […]

Last Day in Nieafu

Without spoiling it too much I can say it now – we have finally escaped from Nieafu. The last 24 hours has been as packed as ever. Early evening we had a curry evening. Joining us were Charlie, a delivery captain, and Kel & Adriana, a couple who run a local business who we’ve got […]

Karting & Diving

Monday afternoon was our date for karting. Helen had decided to join in and partner with Lucy from Bamboozle letting Lucy do all the driving. With Jamie’s mother along we all set off in three two man karts with our guide on a single seater.

We set off along the streets of Vava’u and […]