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Sunny Day at Sea

Day 4 – Autopilot back on

We spent the day hand steering in similar conditions to last reported. As the evening set in the seas and wind calmed a little so during my 8pm to 11m shift I cautiously engaged the autopilot. I checked it after half an hour of use and at the end of my shift and there were […]

Day 3 – Pounding

In hindsight we timed our jury rig of the port steering system well as the weather continued to build throughout the day and into the night. 30 knots was typical with 9-12ft seas all day long. Downloading forecasts every six hours didn’t do anything bar reinforce the picture that we’d have to wait until today […]


At 8:30am we effected temporary repairs to the port rudder assembly. We lowered the sails and turned the boat to present the starboard hull to the wind. Lying ahull, in 30 knots of wind, I used spare line to tie the assembly together. Getting started was very difficult as the rudders did not agree on […]

Day 2 – Challenging Passage

On day 2 the wind picked up to the mid 20s and we made good time. For a while it looked like we had a good chance of making Opua next Wednesday. With reefs in the sails and with regeneration going (I know I said I wouldn’t) we were still making 7.5 knots.The crew were […]