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Another Busy Day

We started the morning fully unloading the car. This enabled me to load the main table top and take it round to the upholsters to have it traced onto the new fabric. After that I drove to the New World to collect some more bottles of Merlot that passed our previous day’s tasting and to […]

Fiji Weather Forecast

As mentioned before I’ve been looking at the weather forecasts for Fiji and trip to there for the last week or so. Here is today’s forecast from Nadi (the main airport) which has been identical to this for all but one day ….

Marine Weather Bulletin Issued from the National Weather Forecasting Centre […]

First Day Back

With 9 days to haul out we have more than enough time to get the things done on the boat that we want to do. We both agreed and looked forward to taking it easy for a bit. This traveling lark takes it out of us.

After writing yesterdays blog I spent some time organizing […]

Home Sweet Home

We headed up along the Whanganui River as far as we could. We stopped a few times to take pictures, to see a couple of Maraes and see an old church. Although it was nice, none of it could really compare to the stunning scenery we’d left behind in the south island. We carried on […]

Taking it easy

For us it was an easy day. We laid in for a bit watching the news from Japan, chatting on the internet and reading. By late morning we felt we should go out and appreciate the excellent weather outside. We walked up river to the next bridge and crossed over. On the other side of […]