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Last day in Whangarei

What a day. We started the day with one last wash. The genset started ok but not with the zest we know it can with a good power supply. It’s battery was getting tired. A quick decision was made and it was off to the battery store to buy and then install a new battery. […]

Last Day in Whangarei

More will be written about today but for now all I’ll say it’s had it’s weirdness but been capped off by a great party. We’ve seen a lot of old friends and some we didn’t expect to see. It doesn’t get better.

If I have time in the morning I probably won’t spend it blogging. […]

Motoring around

The slip we were on is actually someone else’s and as they were due back in the water on Monday we had to move. We were granted the courtesy dock for two days which is usually reserved for new arrivals. We had all day to move but as the weather was forecast to deteriorate we […]


The weather is now getting our full attention.

Today it matters because we still have things to do. Mainly shopping. And moving the boat to a new slip. The forecast says ‘Showers becoming more frequent. Strong southwesterly.’ Bugger.

Tomorrow it matters because we’ve invited everyone we know to drinks and nibbles aboard Dignity as it […]

Launch Pics & Video

Courtesy of friend Paul (Tahina crew) we now have pictures and video of our launch :
