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Feeling a little tired from the previously interrupted nights sleep we upped anchor in semi-darkness and were on our way out of our anchorage by about 6am. Departure had been slowed by mud on the chain which had to be washed off to prevent it getting all into the windlass and chain locker.

We headed […]


Mid morning we dropped the dinghy and did the round of the nearby boats to say our goodbyes. We then briefly went ashore to pick up fresh food.

Around 11am we were off. With good light and using our old tracks we picked our way out of the reef and headed north around the fringing […]

Last day anchored off Matei

Latest news first. It does appear that our replacement charger is on it’s way and we have agreement from Lagoon to do the sex change in New Zealand next February. The detail has still to be exchanged and agreed but for now we are free to move on. We will.

I did actually get onto […]

Socializing ….

Some folks left the anchorage (Tahina, Dreamtime), a couple more arrived (Passages, Scream). Mike from Callisto popped by to invite us to drinks Thursday night. Steve & Darusha popped by and invited us for dinner Friday night.

During the day we just amused ourselves aboard the usual way. I decided to condition the batteries and […]

Lavena Coastal Walk

15 cruisers (including us) got together yesterday to take the bus down to Lavena and walk the coastal walk. We had mixed information about the bus departure time which ranged from 9am to 10am. The most specific advice was that it was due at 9:15 but we could have to wait until 10am. We were […]