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Patience is often rewarded

First bite was more of a success for an unseen shark ….

Then came 38lb of Wahooness ….

Hike to Na Sau

Helen and I set off early morning for our hike along the trail to the village, Na Sau, on the south side of the island. The trail started at the SW end of Dalice, climbed up a steep hill then joined an old road that was made joining various parts of the old leper colony. […]


In the morning Petr and Alex from Endless and we headed to Dreamtime with all our dive gear. Dreamtime dragged the three dinghies round to the other side of Makodroga Island to our north. There they anchored and we all headed off to a bommie (coral head) to dive. Being close to high tide the […]

More Repairs

I went ashore in the morning to take a look at the two DVD players that weren’t working.

First I took a look at Camili’s which was described as being in black and white only. Upon plugging it in this indeed was the case. On further inspection the disk tray wouldn’t open either so that […]


Without any coordination (bar, probably, the need to arrive at Makogai around midday) both Dreamtime and ourselves left Namena within minutes of each other. This led to an exciting convergence at the pass. We yielded to Dreamtime as we already had our fishing line out behind us and they were familiar with the pass. After […]