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Around Grahamstown

Still not a lot to say as it’s all family time. We’ve had one trip to the coast and have on most days managed to walk around Grahamstown for the exercise. We have completed our ‘medical tourism’ following visits to the dentist, optician and doctors for check ups, all of which have gone well. The […]


While we’ve been enjoying our time with our family here in Grahamstown we have been polishing off our plans for our own mini-holiday at the end of our SA trip.

Next Monday morning we’ll pick up a hire car and head down to Port Elizabeth. Along the way we’ll spend the day at Addo Elephant […]

Have a stroll around Grahamstown

The satellite photos of Grahamstown are not so hot. However, the street view is pretty good. Here is my parents house :

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If you want to take a stroll to the town center, turn left, go to the end of the road, turn left again, go to […]

Here we are


Still just chilling with family. School’s off for summer. Brother-in-law and nephew have gone off on a male bonding trip to Namibia. My speech about our travels seemed to go down well elsewhere. Weather is pretty variable. Plenty of rain.