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The Kilkeas had us round to dinner last night. We took a couple of bottles. Last thing I remember was five empties and the port coming out. Spent today totally trashed. Don’t know how long I was there after the port was out but Helen says she left ‘early’. I don’t remember that.

The Hauraki Gulf

That’s where we are. Really.

There is this website I once saw. It painted such a nice picture I made a note of it. Here it is:

Have a read. If you get as far as the last paragraph, the one for climate it says, and I quote, “February and March are generally considered […]


In the morning we met up with David and Marian to head over to another section of this vast marina for the weekly farmers market. There were a number of stalls selling a variety of foods and stuff all looking pretty fresh.

David and Marian are trying to sell their car before they depart for […]

Race Day

Waking early I scoured all the local forecasts. They called for easterly winds in the high teens and seas around a meter. That was just fine for us so we made the decision to sail down to Gulf Harbour Marina to meet up with the Kilkeas.

Well, the winds were from the east so the […]

A nice hike on Kawau Island

There really is only one hike on Kawau. Most of the island is private with one patch being owned by the DOC (Department of Conservation). We went ashore mid morning and tied the dinghy to the dock. We decided to go for the walk first.

The walk took us down to the old copper mine. […]