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Good/Bad News

As expected, really, the blood test came out good which means what’s wrong with me is beyond the local doctor. You can imagine the dilemma this now presents us.


Can’t say I feel good. Double vision and brain state is as bad as ever. We just wait for the results of the blood test tomorrow.

To add to our woes the generator shut down last night due to inadequate water flow, fortunately at the end of the charge. The impeller is due to be […]

Doctor’s visit

Went to see doctor in Nadi in the morning and had a number of tests: Blood pressure, pulse, ECG, brain X Ray, blood test. We have to wait for the results of the last one but the rest came out ok. In some ways encouraging but not knowing cause of current issue nor having any […]

Scary thoughts

We made the short trip to Lautoka, anchored, reanchored (due to Ferry coming) in and went ashore to clear in. Fiji is broken up into four areas associated with each port of entry. Each time you leave one port you need to obtain clearance to the next. So we took our Savusavu to Lautoka clearance […]

Vitongo Bay

We had planned to go as far as Vatia Bay but when we got there we found that burning sugar cane was covering the bay with soot. So we move on and made it as far as Vitongo Bay, 5nm from Lautoka. We arrived about 4pm.


The trip had been a combination of […]