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Random update

It’s been a few days since I last blogged. Now the family have returned to their respective homes life has got back to ‘normal’.

ie, hanging out with and helping the family here, getting on with the paperwork, some entertainment. Some random picks from among all this :

Skype – Had a rare call from […]

Bitter-sweet Farewell

We’ve spent the last couple of days with John and Bao before taking them to the airport today for their return home to the UK. It’s been a wonderful opportunity to get to know Bao. Even in the brief time we’ve had together Bao seems to have grown. Much of this must be due to […]

Addo and Adieu

Having spent the night at Port Alfred we had an early start to get to Addo Elephant National Park. Avid blog readers will remember the pics from last year. But it’s hard not to visit as elephants are such marvellous creatures. And we weren’t disappointed. I’ll just let the pictures and video tell the story.


Port Alfred

On Wednesday Helen and I took our younger generations to Port Alfred where my sister Sue has a holiday home. We had a brief stopover in Bathurst on the way.

Upon reaching Port Alfred, our first stop was the west pier where we had an excellent view of the coastal dunes to the north. We […]

Hiking and Eating in Grahamstown

Early on Tuesday morning, Ben, Amy, Helen and I took Sue’s two dogs for a walk up along the ridge to the south of town. The dogs seemed to enjoy themselves but also seemed to be feeling the heat, dashing from one point of shade to another. The hike took us up to the toposcope […]