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We’ve been ashore twice now. Yesterday was to provision. Not a lot to say except for we’re anchored outside the Tamarind Beach Hotel which is very pleasant. As cruisers we get to walk by/through these places without having to incur the cost of staying. We also get the same, if not better, view.

We took a few pics as ever.

Today was a different affair. The plan was to go ashore, walk the east road up to the north end of the island and climb the peak. If we felt fit after doing this we would walk all round the north end of the island before returning.

Things didn’t go quite to plan but we still had a good walk. The early part of the walk afforded us an excellent view to the south.

We could see (left to right) Carriacou, Tobago Cays, Grenada and Mayreau in front of Union. Fabulous sight.

From there the plan fell began to deviate. We found a path leading up to a hill peak we hadn’t planned on climbing but we climbed it anyway. There was some evidence of earlier fortification including a canon. Back on the east road we walk north only to come to some gates preventing further travel. So back south we went and took the west road to the north. Along the way we saw a number of wild tortoises (they looked quite calm really) including one large one that looked like it had been recently run over.

We eventually came upon the front entrance to the Raffles resort which owns the north end of the island. We enquired whether or not we could climb the peak only to discover we had to take an official tour for US$25 each and the next one was tomorrow.

We decided this was not for us so, having to anyway, we headed back to the boat. We’re now advancing our plans a bit. We’re going to move Dignity north up the coast to a place we can dive and get the Hookah out this afternoon.

Here are our tracks of our walk and pictures. Enjoy.

View 2009 Canouan Walkabout in a larger map

1 comment to Canouan

  • Ric Z

    See you got a “shadow mention” in the latest Cruising World – (via Bees Knees letter to editor)which answered some of my questions about boat boys in the windwards. Rats. Tamarind Beach has long been a considered stop for Barbara and I – they promote their Pizza, Italian food quite actively – curious if their delivery matches their promise.


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