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Plans Evaded (updated)

Yesterday was a day where we had plans to do some chores and fixings. We successfully evaded them all. I did make a couple of trips into “town”. The first was to Budget Marine for a Bonaire courtesy flag only to find I’d lazed around too long and it had closed for the day. The second was for some fresh milk. I succeeded here and managed to pick up ingredients for making Margaritas.

Helen did catch up on emails as well as finishing her one year retro – hope you liked it. Now that she’s finished I can be naughty again without fear of being mentioned. I did some research on Panama. I’ve discovered that due to the global recession, commercial traffic through the canal is reduced. This means it only takes a few days for a pleasure boat to get a slot and that sometimes they’re sending them through without a commercial ship in the lock. The more we think about it, the more we like the idea of transiting the canal around the third week Sam is with us – in January. This means missing out Bocas del Toro (this time around) but it does give us more opportunities with them aboard.

In the evening had margaritas and fried up half of the barracuda we caught recently. We ended up with nearly a pound of fish each. It was delicious but very filling.

Maybe today we’ll get on with stuff. The winds are still light. The sun cover on the headsail needs to be stitched on at one point. Good to do this while we can.

1 comment to Plans Evaded (updated)

  • Great to get Helen’s perspective on your one year liveaboard anniversary. May you both enjoy many more! Our first anniversary comes up on 19th November.

    We will be in the San Blas around 15th January and are scheduled to transit the Panama Canal between 21st – 27th January. Hope to see you!

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