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Day 8 – Going Home

No rush to get up this morning. Eventually we picked ourselves out of bed and picked off some of the remaining food. John and I took the dinghy round to The Caves to get some last minute wet time. The fish were abundant and we even bumped into Bert the Barracuda who is a pretty big guy and known to frequent the area.

As we arrived back at Dignity Bonnie and Brian showed up so we were happy to again show people around Dignity including opening up covers to show motors, electrics, etc.

We then set sail to cross the channel back to Nanny Cay where we docked at the fuel dock and then again at her resting place. The fun thing about docking in a marina is you always get an audience. When docking in our final berth we had the CatCo and another set of guest all watching. The guests made a point of letting us know they were watching just to add to the pressure – all part of the fun. No bumps fortunately.

We had lunch at the cafe in Nanny Cay and then showers in the hotel. Eventually it was time to leave which was sad. The taxi ride back to the airport follows the coast so you get to see the islands recently visited but now receding. We checked in quickly and had just enough time to visit Trellis Bay for 10 mins before boarding.

The flight home was uneventful. New Jersey was cold.

Upon arriving home we were presented with a few mysteries. Why was the pipe wrench in the kitchen? Why were the plants moved? Why was our older son’s Carmen Electra poster under our bed? Simple answer. We are now back to life on land.

 Day 8 Google Earth Track

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