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John: Day 4

No much happening…… motoring South into wind and waves, in the hope that the wind will shift in our favor.

Very choppy, boat banging and crashing into the waves… not the most comfortable ride we’ve had.

We have been joined by 2 more sea birds, this time they are just hanging out front crapping on our deck and fighting over the prime spots to chill out on.

Big hugs and kisses to Ella as she’s not well, I hope you get better soon Darling. Also a big hello to Penne, Ella’s mum, who has been following the blog recently and filling Ella in when she hasn’t got full internet access.

In summary…. NO WIND……NO FISH……. Heading South to find both wind and fish.

1 comment to John: Day 4

  • Penne

    Hallo John and every one on Dignity, I’m really enjoying this trip with you. I read your diary every day. Happy Easter, dont know if you’ll have any easter eggs or hot X bun’s .I’ll eat a bun and think of you all where ever you are on friday.Cheers Penne in oz

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