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Regatta Day 2

Day two was hard and fast. The morning saw us entering the corn hole tournament. Just a bit of fun really but it ended up being quite tense. I ended up partnering John from Sea Mist and made it all the way to the final losing by a whisker. We played five long rounds in all which took, including a long break in the middle, about 4 hours.

We rested the afternoon building our strength up for the fancy dress pub crawl. Looking amongst all the gear on the boat it was hard to come up with anything really innovative as we’d got rid of all our junk coming onto the boat. We visited 10 pubs in all have at least one drink in each. The last stop was Tonga Bob’s where we stayed on dancing until we could last no longer (at least Helen couldn’t). When we returned to the boat we were shocked to discover it was already 2am.

This morning we were all hung over – what a surprise. I put it down to the dehydration during the corn hole contest.

This morning we forced ourselves out and about despite our resisting minds and bodies. Ben is back working on and rehearsing for the full moon party tomorrow. Helen and I visited a local kindergarten and watched the kids singing away for us.

1 comment to Regatta Day 2

  • Love the fancy cross-dress. Smashing, simply smashing! keeping alive the Empire’s age old traditions! Can’t understand how you could loose to a “frozen anthem” on the corn hole tournament though! Just steer clear of Tonga Bobs in those outfits.

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