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Around 11am yesterday the circuit breakers were flipped and we immediately started putting 30A-35A into the house batteries. This was with a slightly hazy sky and the sun not quite at it’s zenith. Not bad we all thought. Tom, who had been helping out, was there for the switch on. Now we have to learn how to manage our energy ins and outs figuring in this free feed each day. With a fridge and a freezer to run we don’t think we’ll be independent but we’ll certainly be cutting down the genset hours. We need to organize ourselves around an ‘all at once’ lifestyle so when the genset goes on we’ll be washing, cleaning, charging, etc. all at once.

Today is going to be clean up in readiness for my parents arrival this afternoon. The waters are dead calm so we’ll be dinghying them from the airport directly to the boat. That’ll be fun for them.

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