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With no excitement in our bones to explore much around Invercargill we limited our tourism to visiting the hardware store where “Bert’s” Indian motorcycle (better known from the movie “The Fastest Indian”) was on display along with a number of other old motorbikes.

From there we headed north. The weather forecast for the next few days looks good and we have a plan for the next few days. Suggested to us by Judy and Colin in Napier we’re going to ride the Otago Railway. There are no rails there now but the rail bed and all the bridges and tunnels are which makes for an excellent cycle path. Helen is feeling a little punch drunk from the rain and is preferring to cycle the whole 150km in 3 days rather than risk a rainy 4th. That means we’re staying in Lauder tomorrow night and in Waipiata the following night before returning here on Friday.


“Here” is a wonderful place. We’re staying at ‘Marj’s Place’ which is a homestead/backpackers. Very reasonably priced accommodation with nice rooms, great shared lounge/kitchen, nice bathroom, shower and even a sauna. Which I’ve already used.

We’ve spent the last couple of hours watching the news on TV. The earthquake here in NZ Christchurch has been devastating. To think that the cathedral tower we climbed three weeks ago has come down probably never to be rebuilt. We are saddened to hear of the death count that is already 65 but greatly relieved to speak to Frank and Karen who happened to be in the center of the city when the earthquake hit. They saw the tower come down and the scenes after. They now get to reflect on the fact they were about to climb the tower minutes later.

This will be my last blog for a few days. I’ve decided not to lug the laptop with me and I’ve not been bothered to set up email from my phone. The world can do without us for a few days.

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