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One adventure ends, another begins

The big confession is that what’s really pinned us to St Martin for the last two weeks has been issues with our battery chargers. Initial response from Lagoon was pretty good. From the encouragement of our vendor, CatCo, they sent two new chargers (port and starboard) to St Martin. Not so good, the method of sending resulted in a lengthy delivery and the method of packaging resulted in the units arriving damaged. Eddie was hired by the local rep to install them. He was able to fix one but the second failed to work properly.

CatCo at this point came to the rescue in a very big way. Their top engineer, Scott, flew out of Florida with a third replacement without even going home after flying in from family in Chicago. He’s been on the boat for two nights and a day. He’s sorted out the final charger and tidied up a lot of minor issues. (He’s also been the soul of the party). The boat is now working perfectly to quote Scott. Can’t say enough to express our appreciation and gratitude for what CatCo have done for us. They even covered the bill to fly the family from Antigua where we would have met up if we had not had these issues.

All aboard send our heartfelt thanks to Scott and Hugh for what they have done.

So with this adventure passing behind us, the next one beckons. Tomorrow is looking more and more to be the day to set sail for Antigua. We move the boat today and are now all fueled up. After dropping off Scott at the airport, we’ll be moving out of the Lagoon in the morning through the 8:15 bridge opening. The rest of the morning will be our final provisioning and checking out of the island. Then in the evening we’ll be off to Antigua – an overnight sail. Trip time is uncertain as winds are quite variable due to some activity north of us. If we get our act together we may just be able to stop off at Tintemarre on the way.

Spirits of all aboard are lifting quite high. Everyone is excited about the trip and the atmosphere aboard is quite bouyant. At lot of work is still ahead of us preparing for the trip. A lot of stuff around the boat needs to be stowed so we’ll be quite busy before we leave. All the same, we’re close to being ready. It’ll be fun.

1 comment to One adventure ends, another begins

  • Martin

    If Catco were trying to please, they certainly seem to have succeeded. We too are pleased that you sound so happy about the current situation. Fair winds to Antigua.


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