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When the Wind Blows

We were expecting wind and we sure got it. Our plan was (and remained) to be tucked in this small gap between the islands anchored in shallow water over sand. The area we were in was quite tight so we figured we’d be protected from the wind when it came. For most of the morning we were indeed well protected from the wind. Another boat showed up early on and anchored in sight of us and were being swung this way and that while we just hung on the hook. By early afternoon, however, the wind shifted and came pounding in waves into our small hide-hole changing our feelings about where we were completely. Where we had once felt secure and protected we now felt boxed in with nowhere to go should our anchor slip. We spent much of the afternoon with the engines on and ready to go should we slip and start closing the scant few feet to the nearby rocks.

With all the nearby terrain it was hard to figure out what the wind was doing as it was evident what was happening at the top of the mast where our instruments are was often at odds to what was happening down at water level where the winds seemed to be compressed between the islands. Gust after gust pounded the boat and our nerves. Each time the wind would settle and we would wonder if that was the last blast but, except for the last blast, it wasn’t to be. As night fell things did calm down a little so we shortened the chain in case we swung completely sideways in our narrow channel and came to close to the rocks to our side.

With all the wind throughout the day came rain so we stayed in all day reading and playing cards. I solved another couple of Euler problems. At least I think I have but I can’t check the answers until we’re back connected in a few days time.

Today is my Birthday. No real plans. We may hang around here if the weather’s nice. If not, we’ll probably move on around midday. Favourite foods are on today’s plans. A big fry up breakfast / brunch is on the cards and curry this evening.

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