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Provisioning Day 2

Friday morning saw us heading back to town. This time the aim was to pick up things that needed to be taken back to the boat moderately quickly, ie. meats and dairy products. This we did and managed to pick up some cava from the extensive cava market on the floor above the fruit and veg market. While out and about I took a few pics of Suva.

In the afternoon I dropped off three of our dive tanks for fills and to have one inspected. They will be ready for collection next Monday before we depart the following morning. I also fixed a light in the guest cabin as the switch had frozen.

In the evening we took Peter from Troutbridge out for a curry downtown at one of the nicer restaurants to make a change from the local cheap but nice cafes he’s been frequenting.

What’s been interesting is we’re starting to bump into 2011 puddle jumpers who are now beginning to arrive in Fiji. These are the advance end of the pack heading for Australia. We feel like old campaigners meeting up with them and sharing experiences.

We have another trip planned into town today. This one is more personal: clothes, souvenirs and gifts. I find this the hardest but hopefully we’ll get through the ordeal.

1 comment to Provisioning Day 2

  • Colin

    New World super markets in Fiji are not what a New World supermarket in Nz is!!! We shopped at about 3 different ones while in Suva.

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