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Waiting for a weather window

This seems to be what I read about on a number of occasions. Each day we’re looking at the weather looking for winds the following day to be from the East or North of East. Like a carrot on a stick the weather window we’re waiting for always seems to be 2-3 days away. We were pretty sure, until this morning, that tomorrow was the day we’d leave for Guadeloupe. Now it’s looking like Friday or Saturday. We’ll need to think of things to do – more later. We’ve decided it’s ok to wait a few days more. If we don’t get the wind angle we want by earl next week we’ll skip the north side of Guadeloupe and head for Deshaies directly.

Last night was a great success. I picked up Ed, Peg, Elana and Dave at the Antigua Yacht Club dinghy dock. They brought food. Elana had some delicious homemade goodies. Ed brought steak from New York which he cooked on the grill – heaven. We had a great evening together. They are all holidaymakers with rented accommodation on land. In return, Elana and Dave have offered us use of their shower. Can’t so no to water you don’t have to switch off – so that’s one of the things we’ll do today.

Apart from that we have our scuba tanks to collect. We’ve had them inspected and filled ready for our visit to the Cousteau Marine Reserve off the west coast of Guadeloupe when we arrive there in a week or so (weather permitting).

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