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A walk and a swim

Life goes on and what can one do? We scratched our heads and came up with a walk on the beach followed by a snorkel. Original eh?

We took the dinghy to a part of the beach where there was less swell and where, presumably, the villages fishing boats had been dragged up. Leaving the dinghy there we headed south. Soon we found a small path that paralleled the beach and followed that for a while. Here we noticed more birdsong than we’ve heard in some time.

We passed through a small resort which appeared recently closed down. We later found a sign which indicated it was the Hideout Beach Resort.

At the end of the beach we came to some rocks which were pretty interesting. They were green in hue and had lots of thin fissures into which minerals had intruded and crystallized. Large areas of the rock were entirely flat, perhaps due to erosion.

This was as far as we went. We returned along the 4×4 track that runs the length of the island. We tried to find a way across to the east side of the island but the one track we followed ended up at what looked like an abandoned attempt to drill for underground water.

Back at the dinghy we launch and tied off on a mooring ball for a snorkel. Ok but not nearly one of the best ones we’ve done.

Today is Helen’s birthday and we are still planning to head south, back to the Blue Lagoon so we can eat out tonight and seek protection from some weird weather coming our way. Heading south we’ll have the sun behind us giving us a greater range of times of day during which we can sail and see the reefs around us.

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