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Hike to Whangarei Falls

9am Monday morning we were up and ready for our walk to Whangarei Falls along with Cheryl and Jeff from Subzero. The walk along the river turned out to be quite pleasant and all the better for the company. The map, again, was a little wrong in places but we found our way to the falls well under two hours. We ate lunch there before taking the path to the top of the falls and then coming back down for the return trip.

On the way back we passed through the AH Reed Kauri Park where they’d build quite a high boardwalk through the trees. All very pleasant.

I dropped by Northland Inflatables to finish off fixing their email. This entailed fixing the root cause which really meant educating the users. That’s all sorted now. Looks like they may have sorted out my dinghy rollock for my efforts. It’s on it’s way.

Yesterday evening we went to the movies to watch Contagion which was pretty ok although I got upset when one of the main characters (Jude Law) explained some “elementary maths” which where he gave an example of doubling only he ended up squaring his terms. Made me shudder. What can one really expect from screen writers?

Been a bit late blogging today as I’ve been sucked into more internet ordering. Sometimes it takes a while to find the right part but now successfully ordered are :

  • 3 hatch supports
  • 2 hatch blinds
  • Yet another US flag
  • Spare dinghy fuel hose
  • Fishing gloves
  • Batteries for the autopilot remote
  • Mixer tap for outside shower (only need the lid but need to order whole thing)
  • Airline tickets from Uk to NZ.
I’ve also spent ages looking at options to get from Auckland airport to Whangarei on our return.  All the car hire companies want to charge $220 to $250 to return the vehicle to the airport (it’s much cheaper the other way around).  The busses look cheap but they need to be booked and there’s no guarantee on flight arrival time and lugging ourselves on the busses after flying for a day and switching our clocks 12 hours won’t be fun.  Taxi firms seem to want $500 for the trip but I’ve just found a local chap who will do the trip for $200.  Looks, by far, the best option.

2 comments to Hike to Whangarei Falls

  • We just took the bus both ways and it was no big deal. $60 per person – but, the bus didn’t have WIFI on board like they said it would. We got in Auckland 3 hours early and had lunch with a friend. There are shuttles from Auckland to the airport for another $20 or so.

  • steve

    We looked long and hard at the busses. Booking this far ahead we can even get one of our tickets for $1. However, after 25 hours flying and a 12 hour TZ shift we don’t fancy schlepping our luggage and spares through two lots of bus trips plus taxi in Whangarei. Nor did we want to risk missing the pre-booked bus if the plane was late. With the airport pickup we go straight to Norsand from the airport, can sleep on the way if need be and pick up groceries towards the end.

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