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Legs stretched

After three flights with combined air time of around 18 hours (plus some for all the taxying around) we finally arrived in Port Elizabeth. My sister, Sue, greeted us at the airport. It was good to have the flights behind us. Our two items of luggage came out first and third sandwiching (in second place) that of one of Sue’s colleagues who happened to be on the same flight.

Once in Grahamstown we were reunited with my parents. It was really good to see them again after just over two years. We stayed up chatting longer than we had expected before crashing. Despite the lack of sleep over the extra long Tuesday (we had an extra 11 hours added) we still woke by 4am. Actually – that’s not too bad. Hopefully in a couple of days we’ll be synched up with the local clocks.

Today we each have a dental visit planned. While we’re here in SA we hope to catch up on any and all dental work that may have accumulated. While not schedule we really should do the same for our general health.

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