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Local Entertainment

There is no ‘broadway’ in Grahamstown so we have to make do with the local entertainment. At 1pm we visited the town center cathedral where some local school boys from the choir were making their last ever performance. They seemed to enjoy themselves and had a good crowd of their peers along to watch and support them. I searched for a word to describe my experience and the word that came to mind was riveting. ie, about as much fun as watching someone riveting. On a more positive note, Helen was rather more enthralled by the performances than I was.

In the evening we went to see some local schoolgirls of varying ages perform various dances including two numbers in which our niece Sarah performed. The family involved added a level of interest, Sarah after all was quite cute. But it was all largely girls of various ages in leotards doing, as Helen described it, work outs to music. Worked well for the younger kids but the older ones fell short on potential artistry. (Is this another sign of age in that I’m taking my entertainment in the form of young girls in leotards. No – I’m going further with that thought and it’s not what you might be thinking)

The day ended with a KFC feast. Food again. But good.

1 comment to Local Entertainment

  • Colin

    It is great to have good times with family and friends no mater what the entertainment. Make the most of it as that is what memories are made of.
    Have a great time with the family and enjoy the festive season to come.

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