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From Xmas to Penzance

A quick summary of the last few days.

Christmas Day was relaxing and very filling – the evening feeling rather too bloated. We watched a couple of movies on TV including Singing in the Rain and something else not worth mentioning. I didn’t get the Scalextric set I was hoping for.

On Boxing Day (the 26th) Helen and I went for a walk around Chesham to try and lose some of the calories collected the previous day. The weather is being unseasonably warm (well, not so cold as it should be) so this was quite pleasant. We walked past our old house on Stanley Avenue. It was odd having a strong feeling this was no longer our home town but finding it hard to really believe we now live on a boat currently in New Zealand.

Yesterday our hire car was dropped off. The class we ordered was not available so we’ve been bumped up seemingly several levels and now have a Toyota R4VA with 4 wheel drive, heated seats plus all sorts of things we’ve grown unused to. We used the car to drive into London to take John and Ella shopping for baby gear. The minimum requirements, stuff-wise, for having a child these days has gone up. It was good to be able to help out financially with the gear. We can leave them to afford the extension to put it all in.

Today we drove to Penzance, Cornwall where are staying for the next week or so with Helen’s next sister’s Lois place. The trip took nearly 6 hours which was a lot harder than a 6 hour sail. Lois and her husband Robin turn up tomorrow so we have the place to ourselves this evening.


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