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Phew on multiple fronts.

Big news, and the only really important news, is that Sam is now aboard. Phew.

Despite having 50lb checkin back and two carry ons there were no complications anywhere on baggage weight or numbers. Phew.

In the last 24 hours I have spent a lot of time on multiple fronts pursuing refund options on the ticket Sam (Ben) was forced to purchase. No surprise, a lot of conflicting advice. My usual approach is to pursue the case on all fronts and hope one strikes lucky. In the last few minutes I have received a note from American Airways reporting that for this one occasion they will break standard policy and refund the ticket. Phew.

So down to the days events surrounding all this. Knowing that Sam’s flight was running early we took the 10:30 bus from the ferry dock to the airport. I had enough time to visit immigration there to solicit their support for the refund. Sam came through in good time and after hugs and kisses we were back on the bus heading to Auckland. I had some additional worries in that one of the folders of paperwork I thought I’d brought wasn’t in the back pack. I’d rechecked immigration and it wasn’t there. We thought long and hard and could only conclude it was back on the boat. It was. Phew.

Between the ferry dock and the boat we picked up sushi and ate it aboard. Then Sam settled into his room (his new home for now) and Helen and I went through the ordered goodies.

We’d only just learned that today, Anzac Day, is a public holiday and a lot of our shopping plans for today may be frustrated. Sam needed a special cable for his graphics tablet and we’d promised him a guitar for his birthday. So Sam and I went out in the afternoon and picked up the cable and a guitar. We managed to negotiate 10% off the price of the guitar which made the deal feel sweet.

Back at the boat we finally celebrated Sam’s arrival with some bubbly before heading out for a meal together. We tried watching a movie together afterwards but Sam was very tired from his travels and I was very tired from the recent days stresses.

Last night I slept very well. Phew.

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