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Pools and Petroglyphs

Around 10am we went ashore again. This time it was a lot easier as it was close to high tide. We were able to take the dinghy right in and tie it to a buoy. From there we were able to wade ashore. We soon ran into Chris who’d hosted us the day before and, it turned out, was the grandson of the village chief.

We expressed interest in seeing the falls and petroglyphs which we’d heard were somewhere behind the village. He was glad to take us along with a couple of 12/13 year old boys from the village. It took about 20 minutes to reach the falls which were exceptionally pretty. It was really a whole section of cascading pools of different sizes. He said that after church and lunch the village would come up to wash.

From there it was another 5 minutes of climbing to the petroglyphs. The origin of the rock carvings has been forgotten unfortunately. Some memories have been passed down. Apparently, at some point the rocks had been vertical and joined up. In the years since they have fallen and broken.

We ate and shared our lunch at the petroglyphs. We gave Chris a packet of fishing hooks which he appeared very pleased with. We also gave a sewing kit and a bag of boiled sweets. We’d given them all a few boiled sweets along the way which they really liked.

We hung around the petroglyphs for about 30 minutes sucking in the atmosphere. We were embedded in the deep bush with trees and foliage all around us. Overhead, through the gaps in the trees the sky was clear and blue. It was a nice feeling being there.

Eventually we had to move on. Chris and the boys took us back down to the village where we bade our farewell. They invited us back in the evening so Sam could play some more guitar. Unfortunately that would be low tide and really awkward so despite wanting to we didn’t return.

We spent the rest of the day on the boat reading and relaxing and finishing off with a movie over dinner. By 8pm we were spent and, at least Helen and I, crashed out.

Today we may have some wind but for the next few days prospects are poor. So it looks like we’ll head west today. The crew like the idea of heading back to the end of the peninsular by Savusavu where we can get free internet. Sounds like that’s where we’re heading.

I’m still suffering from dizziness. It made parts of the walk yesterday awkward. I’m still on the antibiotics and maybe getting better but it’s hard to tell.

1 comment to Pools and Petroglyphs

  • Lew Randal

    Hi Steve,
    Sounds like you have vertigo (hallucination of movement of yourself or surroundings)
    It may well be benign positional vertigo which is induced by sudden movement and results from a slight degeneration in the inner ear.
    If so can do some exercises which may help.
    I don’t think the antibiotics will do any good.
    If you wish to tell me the symptoms and history in more detail and I might be able to help.

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