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Scary thoughts

We made the short trip to Lautoka, anchored, reanchored (due to Ferry coming) in and went ashore to clear in. Fiji is broken up into four areas associated with each port of entry. Each time you leave one port you need to obtain clearance to the next. So we took our Savusavu to Lautoka clearance in and swapped it for a Lautoka area clearance.

After lunch we moved the boat to Port Denarau so I can visit a doctor in town. In the lea of the land there was no wind so it was a motor all the way.


Once on a mooring Helen and Sam went ashore to get some details on doctors. I have an appointment for this morning.

Things are not getting any better. My double vision seems to be getting worse. The whole trip down from Savusavu was a nightmare for me unable to properly see where we were going. The passage was littered with reefs. Fortunately the chart plotter was accurate but that cannot be assumed so a good watch is required. Helen backed me up on most of my watches which put a lot of pressure on her.

I now worry a lot. If the doctor can’t find a fix for this then we’ve got a lot of problems. I am feeling quite anxious about all this. Questions fly through my mind.

Are we now in end game? Is the trip more or less over?
If we have to sell the boat can we get to Australia? Can we sell it here?
If we’re in end game then what next? We’ve been in denial about this but we’ve got to go somewhere and do something. But what? And how does my condition change things?
What about Sam?
How much will this all cost? Can we afford it?
How bad will my condition get?
Many more questions. Not a lot of answers.

It’s 2:45am and I’m not sleeping. The music ashore is not helping but my worries fly around my mind. I know the next step is a visit to the doctors but I’m not over enthusiastic. Things are changing so rapidly I’m not sure what can be done. Is it something with my eyes? Is it something neurological? I don’t know.

Again Helen is being very supportive and that’s great. But I worry. A lot.

Last night we treated ourselves to fish and chips ashore and wine back on the boat while watching a couple of episodes of the latest Game of Thrones series. Savour the moments.

(3am the music stops)

2 comments to Scary thoughts

  • Ash Hicks`

    Hang in there Steve. It’s easy to see from your blogs the past week that you are really struggling. Good health is taken for granted, and when you have a scare, it’s easy to allow it to get you down, and to turn to the worst case scenario. My advice is to stay put for a while and get some good medical diagnosis. If that requires travelling to a major city, then so be it. I’m sure you’ve been told, but in case you need reminding : Worrying is not a conducive environment to getting better.
    Personally, I need you guys to continue on in your journey – your daily blog keeps me sane!

  • Easier said than done, but try not to worry too much. Tropical bugs can do strange things and are generally easily treatable once identified. If the docs here recognise what you’ve got then they can treat it, but if not don’t mess around, get yourself to Oz for treatment.
    If I can help in any way contact me, either by email or my Fiji number is 9212518. I’m still in Suva, boat launch is still a couple of weeks away. There’s a German guy called Henning (aka Smiley)on a boat called Two Captains. I think he’s in Vuda Marina. He’s almost a local so could be a source of advice.

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