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Doctor’s visit

Went to see doctor in Nadi in the morning and had a number of tests: Blood pressure, pulse, ECG, brain X Ray, blood test. We have to wait for the results of the last one but the rest came out ok. In some ways encouraging but not knowing cause of current issue nor having any prognosis remains very concerning.

We can hope for the best but we need to plan for the worst and that is very difficult. Worst case (apart from the very worst and unmentionable) is having to leave the boat here and go home or somewhere else (wherever that is) for treatment. That may be a show stopper for our current lifestyle. Planning for all this is very hard indeed and while Helen continues to be very encouraging, I feel a little overwhelmed by it all. I just want to curl up and just hope it all works itself out on it’s own. But life is not like that and we need to take steps to cover eventualities. All very, very hard.

As can be seen from my comments I am somewhat anxious about all this. Helen continues to be very supportive which is really what I need. Thanks to all our family and friends who have emailed advice and support.

Other news from the day is that using special glasses we witnessed the transit of Venus across the sun. Sam managed to take a great photograph of it. We also went for a walk in the afternoon. We got so far then I needed to lie down for a bit before we all returned.

After dinner we watched a couple more episodes of the latest Game of Thrones series. Sam went out in the evening to decompress. He learned during the day of the death of two of his acquaintances. He’s also a bit worried about me too. Poor kid. Not exactly what we sold him for the trip.

2 comments to Doctor’s visit

  • Gordon Ross

    Hang on in there mate and try to stop worrying until you have a full and proper diagnosis.

    Kind Regards


    PS – I’ve been following your blog for over 2 years now and enjoy my daily fix.

  • Erin

    Hi Steve, Robin and I can sympathise with your situation but all I can say is to keep positive. I know it is difficult but with these things it is very easy to get overwhelmed by everything and think the worst. So far noting has been diagnosed so you are just thinking of the bleakest outcome – maybe the alcohol has finally caught up with you! I am not very good at checking your blog – too absorbed in our own lives at the moment but I will keep an eye open for any updates on your health. Take care and love to Helen and Sam Erin xx

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